模組:category tree/blocks
呢個模組嘅解說可以喺模組:category tree/blocks/doc度開
local export = {}
function export.contents(frame)
local pagesInCategory = mw.site.stats.pagesInCategory(mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text, "pages")
local block = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text, "區段", "")
local result = "呢個類包含由字元資料盒分類成'''[[附錄:統一碼/" .. block .. "|" .. block .. "]]'''區段入面嘅字元嘅辭條。\n\nSome entries may define characters from multiple Unicode codepoints at once, so the page title could be an entry that is not from this block.[[Category:統一碼區段]]"
-- At least 1 page is the appendix for the current Unicode block.
if pagesInCategory == 1 then
result = result .. "[[Category:無辭條嘅統一碼區段]]"
elseif pagesInCategory <= 11 then
result = result .. "[[Category:有1至10篇辭條嘅統一碼區段]]"
elseif pagesInCategory <= 51 then
result = result .. "[[Category:有11至50篇辭條嘅統一碼區段]]"
elseif pagesInCategory <= 101 then
result = result .. "[[Category:有51至100篇辭條嘅統一碼區段]]"
result = result .. "[[Category:有100篇辭條以上嘅統一碼區段]]"
return result
return export