- Category:粵語代詞: 粵語 terms that refer to and substitute nouns.
- Category:粵語前置介詞: 粵語 adpositions that are placed before their objects.
- Category:粵語副詞: 粵語 terms that modify clauses, sentences and phrases directly.
- Category:粵語動詞: 粵語指動作、出現或狀態嘅詞。
- Category:粵語名詞: 粵語入面用來指人、物、事、地、現象、特質或理念嘅詞。
- Category:粵語形容詞: 粵語 terms that give attributes to nouns, extending their definitions.
- Category:粵語數詞: 粵語 terms that quantify nouns.
- Category:粵語連接詞: 粵語 terms that connect words, phrases or clauses together.
- Category:粵語量詞: 粵語 terms that classify nouns according to their meanings.